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Wisconsin Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Program


What is a HERC?


A healthcare emergency readiness coalition (HERC) is comprised of a core group of hospitals and healthcare organizations, local and tribal public health agencies, state, regional, and local and tribal emergency management, and emergency medical services, as well as additional members. These partners collaborate for the common goal of making their communities safer, healthier, and more resilient. Wisconsin has seven regional HERCs that support communities before, during, and after disasters and other health-related crises.


The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) funds Wisconsin’s HERCs. ASPR leads the country in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from the adverse health effects of emergencies and disasters. ASPR’s HPP enables the health care delivery system to save lives during emergencies and disaster events that exceed the day-to-day capacity and capability of existing health and emergency response systems.


HPP is the only source of federal funding for health care delivery system readiness, intended to improve patient outcomes, minimize the need for federal and supplemental state resources during emergencies, and enable rapid recovery. HPP prepares the health care delivery system to save lives through the development of health care coalitions (HCCs). In Wisconsin, these are known as HERCs.


The overall goal of the HERC is to help Wisconsin communities prepare for, respond to, and recover from a disaster as quickly as possible. Through coordinated preparation, response, and recovery efforts, HERC members work to create a more resilient Wisconsin.










HERC Region 7 Mission

SE WI HERC fosters coordination of multi-disciplinary health resources before, during, and after major emergency incidents.


HERC Region 7 Vision

SE WI HERC will be a leader in fostering innovation that effectively integrates healthcare resources to enhance community resiliency in the event of a disaster. The coalition will consist of members from various disciplines and stakeholder organizations that impact the health of the region and its citizens.










SE WI HERC Governance


SE WI HERC consists of member organizations and agencies from various disciplines.  All members organizations in SE WI HERC are assigned to one of 8 caucuses.  They are:

Clinics/Community Health Centers
Community and Private Organizations
Emergency Management
Emergency Medical Services/Public Safety
Hospitals/Healthcare Systems
Long-term Care Facilities
Public Health
Southeast Wisconsin Regional Trauma Advisory Council (SERTAC)


The members of each caucus elect one individual to serve as the Caucus Chair, to speak for the caucus. The eight Caucus Chairs form the SE WI HERC Board of Directors (i.e. each Caucus Chair is also a Board Director). The Board of Directors is responsible for setting the overall objectives of the coalition.


The Board of Directors elects a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer from the membership. These four officers,  the SE WI HERC Coordinator, and the SE WI HERC Regional Medical Advisor, form the SE WI HERC Executive Committee. The HERC Executive Committee is responsible for executing the business of HERC, as determined by our members and our Board of Directors.


HERC Region 7 receives general goals and objectives from the Wisconsin Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Program (WHEPP) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (HHS/ASPR). HERC’s members and Board of Directors help determine how our region will best meet the state and federal goals and objectives.


Emergency Management

The Emergency Management caucus represents city, county and other local government emergency management offices and agencies. EMS/Public Safety The EMS/Public Safety caucus encompasses first responders, emergency medical services, fire, police, and other public safety agencies and organizations.


Clinics and Community Health Centers

The Clinics and Community Health Centers Caucus includes federally-qualified health centers and free-apis owned and operated by a larger healthcare system, then the clinic will be represented by its parent organization in the Hospitals and Healthcare Systems Caucus.)


Community and Private Organizations

The Community and Private Organizations Caucus includes all for-profit entities not owned by the government, volunteer and community organizations, and non-profit organizations who mainly have a non-healthcare related mission.


Hospitals/Healthcare Systems

The Hospitals and Healthcare Systems Caucus includes for-profit and nonprofit entities that operate inpatient facilities where patients are admitted for definitive care.


Long-Term Care

The Long-Term Care Caucus represents organizations providing inpatient/residential services designed to support the needs of people living with chronic health problems.


Public Health

The Public Health Caucus includes local and tribal governmental public health agencies.



This caucus represents the members of the Southeast Wisconsin Regional Trauma Advisory Council (SERTAC).


COVID 19 State Dashboard


Check out the daily hospital data updates on our COVID-19 Dashboards.


Nextstrain Real-time tracking of pathogen evolution


Nextstrain is an open-source project to harness the scientific and public health potential of pathogen genome data. We provide a continually-updated view of publicly available data alongside powerful analytic and visualization tools for use by the community. Our goal is to aid epidemiological understanding and improve outbreak response.


Nextstrain Site

Genomic epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID 19)






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©2025 by Southeast Wisconsin Healthcare Emergency Readiness Coalition, Inc.

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